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Borlotti Bush Bean / Borlotto Lingua di Fuoco Nano

The Borlotti bush bean is one of the prettiest varieties that we grow. The borlotti bean is a variety of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) first bred in Colombia as the cargamanto. It is also known as the cranberry bean, Roman bean, romano bean, saluggia bean, gadhra bean or rosecoco bean.
While borlotti are often pole beans, we like the highly productive bush variety and that is the type we have in our seed catalog. We acquired the parent seed of the borlotti in our catalog while we were visiting the grandparents in Nice, France and took a day-trip to San Remo, Italy. Borlotti are very popular in Northern Italy and we found a farmer at the market in San Remo who was willing to sell us a handful of her prized beans.
We generally eat borlotti as a shelling-bean, which means we harvest them when the beans are plump within the pod but before they have dried. We like to stew the beans in a stock for about 20 minutes and then eat them over fresh pasta. Borlotti also make a great storage bean and they are nice to add to winter stews for their nutty and meaty flavor. 
We hope you enjoy growing our Borlotti beans!