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About Us

Thank you for visiting us at Kids Seed Co.

About Kids Seed Co.

We are Thomas and Laura. Our family lives in Asheville, NC and we are gardeners and seed-savers. Our three children (and Great Pyrenees, Yona) work with us to run our small family seed company, Kids Seed Co.

Our family has a mix of American, Hungarian, Japanese and French cultures and we love to garden, cook, and travel. 

Our seed company

When the children were very young, we decided to start a seed company to share the joys of our garden with other families. The kids were enthusiastic about learning the trade.

Having started a small business before, we decided to turn our passion for gardening into a seed company to share our garden with other gardeners and to teach our children about running a small business. 

The kids help with business decisions every step of the way and have become enthusiastic young entrepreneurs. At times though, they do create challenges to successfully run a business - you may notice a doodle or hand-drawn flower on your shipped order.

Together, we have developed curiosity for the natural world and an understanding of the foods we grow and eat through gardening. We want to share these gifts with your family through our garden seeds .

Follow along with our garden explorations on Instagram and Facebook and happy gardening!

*We grow all of the non-GMO, open-pollinated varieties that we sell in our family gardens in Asheville, NC unless otherwise noted.*