✨FREE standard shipping on orders $40 & up! Use discount code : Free Shipping 📫 We're including 2 FREE packets of flower seeds in EVERY order until the end of MARCH! 💐

About Us

Thank you for visiting us at Kids Seed Co.

About Kids Seed Co.

Thanks for visiting us at Kids Seed Co.! We are Thomas, Laura, Laszlo, Mina, Natalia and Yona (Great Pyrenees). 

Our family has a mix of American, Hungarian, Japanese and French cultures and we love to garden, cook, and travel. 

We hope you enjoy growing the seeds from our garden! 

Our seed company

When the children were very young, we decided to start a seed company to share the joys of our garden with other families and to teach the children about creating a product that customers value. The kids help with business decisions every step of the way and have become enthusiastic young entrepreneurs.

Our seed catalog contains unique varieties of vegetables, herbs and flowers, each with a special story. Read about the origin of each seed variety on our website.    

We are now in our seventh year of business and thousands of gardeners have grown the seeds from our garden in theirs. Thanks to all of you who have helped our company grow!

Follow along with our garden explorations on Instagram, Threads and Facebook and happy gardening!

*We grow all of the non-GMO, open-pollinated varieties that we sell in our family gardens in Asheville, NC without the use of any pesticides or synthetic fertilzers.*