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Mâche (Valerianella locusta) - Homegrown greens

Mâche (Valerianella locusta)
Mâche is a wonderful salad green that grows in late winter and early spring. Also called "corn salad" or "lamb's lettuce", the small florets are never bitter. The flavor is nutty and this plant which is native to Europe is common in salads throughout the continent. 
In the colder months when few plants grow in the garden, we're always happy to be able to gather mâche for a tasty salad. We sow the seeds in late fall and early winter by simply scattering the seeds in the garden. The seeds germinate fairly slowly but you can expect the tiny florets to appear about 15-20 days after planting.
Growing a patch of mâche can make the winter more tolerable as plans are made for the bounty of spring and summer! 
We're happy to offer mâche seeds in our catalog and hope you enjoy!