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Mother's Day Garden Gift Set- A unique gift for mom from Kids Seed Co. Asheville, NC

This year, 2018, marks the 110th year Mother's Day has been celebrated in the US, but the annual commemoration of mother's goes back to antiquity. For the woman who taught us countless lessons, is a model to whom we aspire to emulate and who provides us with unconditional love, Mother's Day is an opportunity to say, 'Thank You!'

We rely heavily on a mother here at Kids Seed Co. for bringing snacks to staff-meetings, to being a master gardener with endless patience and to keeping our new business on track! In the spirit of honoring all mothers, the Kids Seed Co. team came up with a sweet Mother's Day gift. Our Mother's Day gift set includes:

4 seed mixes, a blank note card with crayons to customize a special message, clay pot and peat starter to start sunflower seeds right away, and our homemade Castile essential oil soap, all in a reusable cloth gift bag. She can enjoy your gift as it grows well into the fall.

We think the special mom in your life will love our Mother's Day Gift set, all for $25 and free shipping.