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Ronde de Nice Squash - Heirloom Seeds

Ronde de Nice (Cucurbita pepo)

When we visit Mama's parents in Nice, France, one of the first things we ask to eat are Petits Farcis Niçoise, vegetables stuffed with a meat and bread filling. These beautiful Ronde de Nice squash are a star of the Provençal dish. 

The round squashes are quick to grow, often ready to harvest in as little as 50 days from sowing, and the plants produce abundant squashes so you'll have plenty to share! 

We recommend harvesting these heirlooms when they are about the size of a baseball for normal squash dishes (grilled with olive oil and parsley) or about the size of a golf ball if you plan to stuff them for  Petits Farcis Niçoise. 

We're excited to have Ronde de Nice seeds in our catalog now and we hope you enjoy them as much as we do! Happy growing!