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Tulsi / Holy Basil - Heirloom Seeds

Tulsi (Ocimum tenuiflorum)

Tulsi, also know as Holy Basil or Sacred Basil, is a perennial plant in tropical climates and is grown as an annual in our garden. Used for thousands of years in India and SE Asia as a tea or tincture to treat a range health conditions, this beautiful plant is considered sacred in Hinduism, earning the name Holy Basil. Tusli is a wonderful companion plant and hums with pollinators when blooming. 

We collected the parent seeds to our tulsi many years ago on a trip to Cambodia. We harvested the seeds from a plant near the temples of Ankor Wat in the city of Siem Reap. The leaves are green and the flowers range from dark to light purple.

We hope you enjoy growing the tulsi from our seed catalog!