✨FREE standard shipping on orders $40 & up! Use discount code : Free Shipping 📫 We're including 2 FREE packets of flower seeds in EVERY order until the end of February! 💐

Valentine's Day Sunflower Seed Packs

Valentine's Day Seed Packets from Kids Seed Co. ❤
This year for Valentine's Day, our seed packets contain a mix of our favorite sunflowers from our garden here in Asheville, NC.
For the past several years kids all over the US have given our Valentine's Day seed packet to their friends and classmates and we love hearing the stories and seeing your photos of the beautiful blooms that grew from this gift.
Our biodegradable bags and addressable pack cards make this a unique and eco-friendly Valentine's Day gift and our sunflower mix will be enjoyed in the garden all summer long!
Asheville-grown seeds, Open-Pollinated, Non-GMO
($2 each in Kids Seed Co. online catalog, Free Shipping $20 & Up) 
Happy Valentine's from Kids Seed Co.