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Calendula (Calendula officinalis)

Calendula is loved by all who grow it! The knee-high plant has cheerful blooms and the extract from the flowers is used in many body-care products. Boiling the flower petals makes a natural dye and the petals are edible and very tasty. Calendula flowers tolerate light frost and can bloom until Thanksgiving or Christmas in many regions.

Our Calendula mix comes in a range of colors from classic orange and yellow to strawberry blond zeolights. 

Origin: The parent seed of our calendula came from the garden of a friend in Prescott, Arizona and from seeds we saved in Turin, Italy at Chiesa di Santa Maria del Monte dei Cappuccini. 

(Approximately 50 seeds per packet)

Germination rate: 90% - tested 8/30/24

Planting Instructions: Sow a group of 3 seeds 1/2" deep every 12" as soon as soil can be worked in spring. Full sun to part shade. Calendula grows wonderfully in containers too!