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Bean (Cherokee Trail of Tears Pole Bean)
Bean (Cherokee Trail of Tears Pole Bean)
Bean (Cherokee Trail of Tears Pole Bean)
Bean (Cherokee Trail of Tears Pole Bean)
Bean (Cherokee Trail of Tears Pole Bean)

Bean (Cherokee Trail of Tears Pole Bean)

Regular price $3.95 Sale

Cherokee Black Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris)  

This wonderful pole bean was bred by the people of the Cherokee Nation in the Great Smoky Mountains and traveled with them on the infamous "Trail of Tears" in 1838. The Cherokee black bean grows vigorously on vines up to 10ft or more and should be grown on a trellis. Both the fresh green beans and the dried black beans are delicious and the flavor has won it a place in Slow Food USA's "Ark of Taste". 

Origin: The parent seed of our Cherokee beans came from the garden of a friend who lives on the Cherokee Reservation in Jackson County, NC. She is a member of the Eastern Band of the Cherokee and graciously gave us seeds that her family has saved for many generations. 

(Approximately 30 seeds per packet)

Germination rate: 95% - tested 9/01/24

Planting Instructions: Sow 1 seed 1" deep after frost in spring every 4" and trellis. Full sun.

Recipe Ideas:

One of the things we love about Cherokee Trail of Tears beans is that they are very versatile and can be enjoyed either as a green bean or a dried storage bean. One of our favorite ways to use them is in winter soups. 

Cherokee Bean Soup: We soak our dried Cherokee Beans overnight before preparing a soup. We stir-fry garlic, onions, carrots and celery in a pot and then add the water that the beans soaked in, tomato paste, chili flakes and Cherokee beans along with some salt and pepper. Then, we stew the mixture on medium heat for about 45 minutes until the beans are tender. A little dollop of sour cream is a nice way to top the soup along with chopped chives that we preserve in the freezer over winter. Enjoy!