Chinese Red Noodle Bean / Red Asparagus Long Bean (Vigna unguiculata)
A high yielding and tasty pole bean that grows up to 24"! This beautiful burgundy bean is native to Southern China and they go great in stir-fries or steamed with garlic and citrus. We also eat these bean raw when they are young and tender. Note: the beans turn to a green shade when they are cooked. Grow on a trellis because the vines can reach 10ft and the beautiful blue/purple flowers are larger than most bean blooms.
Origin: We brought the parent seed home from Hong Kong where a friend has grown and saved the variety in her garden for many years.
(Approximately 30 seeds per packet)
Germination rate: 95% - tested 9/01/24
Planting Instructions: Sow 1 seed 1" deep after frost in spring every 4" and trellis. Full sun. About 80 days from sowing until harvest.
Recipe Ideas:
Our favorite way to eat red noodle beans is stir-fried. Pick a bunch of beans when they're about 24" long before the beans inside start to plump up. Chop the beans into 2-3" segments and stir-fry them for about 4 minutes with garlic, ginger and chilis. Add a squeeze of lemon before serving.