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Bean (Red-Eye Greasy Bean)
Bean (Red-Eye Greasy Bean)
Bean (Red-Eye Greasy Bean)
Bean (Red-Eye Greasy Bean)

Bean (Red-Eye Greasy Bean)

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Red-Eye Greasy Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris)

Greasy beans have the unusual name because the outer shell is shiny and smooth without fuzz on the pods which give them a greasy appearance. Greasy beans originated in the southern Appalachian region and are generally thought to have been developed by Native American people.

Greasy beans are true heirlooms and folks in the southern Appalachian region have been saving seeds of their favorite varieties for generations. There are likely hundreds of sub-varieties of greasy bean and they have historically been an important source of protein and nutrition for mountain folk.  

Our very rare Red-Eye bean is also called a "cut-short" bean because the pods are generally 3-5" and the beans plump up giving the bean a short and stocky appearance. The Red-Eye bean is a pole variety that benefits from trellising and the vines can grow up to 10'. 

Red-Eye beans are stunning with milky white color and deep crimson spots where the bean attaches to the pod. This delicious bean can be enjoyed in two ways, either when the pod is green and the beans inside are plump, or it can be saved as a dry bean to be added to stews in winter. With a creamy, nutty flavor, we think these Red-Eye beans will become a new favorite in your garden. 

Origin: Our Red-Eye Greasy Beans came to us from our friends the Arrowwood Family in Madison County, NC. The family has been growing the variety on their mountain farm for generations, since before the Civil War. 

(Approximately 30 seeds per packet)

Germination rate: 90% - tested 8/15/24

Planting Instructions: Sow 1 seed 1" deep after frost in spring every 4" and trellis. Full sun.

Recipe Ideas:

We like to cut the pods into thirds when they are green and stew them over medium heat for about 20 minutes in stock with garlic and onions. Add a little fat-back or bacon to the pot and enjoy the stewed beans with a nice chunk of cornbread!