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Bean (Royal Burgundy Bean)
Bean (Royal Burgundy Bean)
Bean (Royal Burgundy Bean)

Bean (Royal Burgundy Bean)

Regular price $3.95 Sale

Bush Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris)

A stunning and delicious purple bean. Royal Burgundy beans are high-yielding and have great flavor fresh or cooked. This variety is fast to produce and tolerates cooler weather in early spring or late fall. Bush beans do not need trellising and the compact plants grow to 18"-24". Note: When cooked, the beans turn green. 

Origin: One of our neighbors brought us a bunch of these beans when our son was first eating solid foods and he loved them! Naturally, we asked her to save us some seeds and they’ve been a hit with our kids and seed customers ever since! 

(Approximately 30 seeds per packet)

Germination rate: 90% - tested 8/15/24

Planting Instructions: Sow 1 seed 1" deep after frost threat in spring every 4" in rows 24" apart. Full sun to part shade.