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Bean (Scarlet Runner Bean)
Bean (Scarlet Runner Bean)
Bean (Scarlet Runner Bean)
Bean (Scarlet Runner Bean)
Bean (Scarlet Runner Bean)

Bean (Scarlet Runner Bean)

Regular price $3.95 Sale

Scarlet Runner Beans (Phaseolus coccineus)

An old heirloom bean variety with vines that grow up to 10ft with bursts of gorgeous scarlet flowers. Many grow this bean as an ornamental plant on trellises because the blooms are stunning but the immature bean pods and dried beans are tasty too!

Runner beans are a favorite nectar source for hummingbirds and butterflies and we like to grow them on a teepee trellis. The dried beans are a beautiful black with purple to mauve splotches. 

Note: Runner beans should be cooked before consumption. We like to stew them in stock with garlic and herbs for about 20 minutes on medium heat and we like to eat them over fresh pasta. 

Origin: We brought the parent seeds back to our garden from a trip to Mexico where we bought the seeds from a farmer at a market in Oaxaca. 

(Approximately 25 seeds per packet) 

Germination rate: 90% - tested 8/15/24

Planting Instructions: Sow seeds 1" deep every 4" a few weeks after last frost in full sun. Vines grow up to 10ft and like to be trellised.