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Broom Corn (Sorghum)
Broom Corn (Sorghum)
Broom Corn (Sorghum)
Broom Corn (Sorghum)

Broom Corn (Sorghum)

Regular price $3.95 Sale

Broom corn (Sorghum bicolor)

Broom corn is an important cereal grain in many dry regions of the world as the 10 foot tall plant is very drought tolerant. Gorgeous edible seeds attract birds and can be used in cut-flower arrangements. The stalk contains high levels of sugar and can be pressed and boiled-down into sorghum syrup. Brooms are traditionally made from the heads stripped of seed and our Hungarian variety is particularly good for crafting.

Origin: The parent seed of our sorghum came from Hungary. We saved seeds from some beautiful plants on the property of a family friend near Lake Balaton. 

(Approximately 50 seeds per packet)

Planting Instructions: sow 2 seeds 1/2" deep every 12" after threat of frost in spring. Full sun, tolerated poor soil and drought after germination.