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Lettuce Mix
Lettuce Mix
Lettuce Mix

Lettuce Mix

Regular price $3.95 Sale

Lettuce Mix (Lactuca sativa)

We get really antsy for the spring gardening season to begin and we're always thankful for hearty lettuce. We plant our first crop in late-winter and harvest until the hottest part of summer. Great for salads and little garden snacks. Also, lettuce grows wonderfully in containers so sprinkle some seeds in a pot and you’ll have as much salad as you can eat! 

Origin: Our lettuce mix has about eight different varieties. We collected the seeds over the years from several sources on our travels. 

(Approximately 100 seeds per packet)

Germination rate: 90% - tested 8/30/24

Planting Instructions: Sow seeds in early spring by broadcasting and lightly pressing into the soil (seeds germinate best with light). Lettuce can tolerate light frost and we generally sow our first crop of the year in late February. We also plant a fall crop in September and lettuce grows great in containers. No thinning necessary for baby greens. Full sun to part shade.