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Morning Glory
Morning Glory
Morning Glory

Morning Glory

Regular price $3.95 Sale

Morning Glory (Ipomoea purpurea)

Morning glories are an old cottage garden favorite and the flowers bring a cheerful start to the day in the late summer garden. In our garden, the first blooms generally open in late July and the vines bloom all the way until our first frost. Our morning glory variety grows on long vines and the beautiful flowers that open with the sunrise come in a range of colors from purple to pink and white. 

IMPORTANT! : All parts of the plant are toxic if ingested, including the seeds. 

Origin: We saved the parent seed of our morning glories many years ago when our Hungarian grandparents had a large garden in Potomac, Maryland. 

(Approximately 30 seeds per packet)

Germination rate: 85% - tested 9/1/24

Planting Instructions: Increase the speed of germination by soaking seeds in water for 24 hrs. before planting. Sow 1/2" deep in full sun after frost. Provide a trellis for the plants to climb. 

NOTE: State regulations prohibit us from shipping morning glory seeds to Arizona. Please do not order if your shipping address is in Arizona.