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Nigella (Love-in-a-Mist)
Nigella (Love-in-a-Mist)
Nigella (Love-in-a-Mist)
Nigella (Love-in-a-Mist)

Nigella (Love-in-a-Mist)

Regular price $3.95 Sale

Nigella (Nigella damascena)

Nigella is an airy plant and lively blooms range in color from red, blue, violet and white. This early bloomer self sows easily. Nigella makes a great cut-flower and dried seed pods have a unique look in dried arrangements. Also known as Love-in-a-Mist, this hearty and easy-to-grow plant will become an instant favorite and garden mainstay. 

Origin: We were given the parent seed of our nigella by a friend who volunteers at community garden in Tokyo, Japan while we were on a trip to visit family there.

(Approximately 50 seeds per packet)

Germination rate: 85% - tested 9/1/24

Planting Instructions: Sow a group of 3 seeds every 8" by barely covering with soil a few weeks before your last frost in spring. Full sun. Seeds can also be sown in the fall and will overwinter and germinate in spring when conditions are correct.