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Okra (Clemson Spineless Okra)
Okra (Clemson Spineless Okra)
Okra (Clemson Spineless Okra)
Okra (Clemson Spineless Okra)

Okra (Clemson Spineless Okra)

Regular price $3.95 Sale

Okra (Abelmoschus esculentus)

Our Clemson Spineless variety of okra has grooved, straight pods that can be eaten fresh, fried, stewed or pickled. Okra is in the mallow family of plants and thrives in hot weather.

One of our friends doesn't care for the taste and texture of this classic southern vegetable but still grows a big patch each year just for the stunning flowers. Best eaten when pods are 3-4" long. Grow some okra, ya'll! 

Origin: The parent seed of our Clemson Spineless Okra was given to us by a friend who is a professor of Biology at Clemson University. 

(Approximately 30 seeds per packet)

Germination rate: 85% - tested 9/1/24

Planting Instructions: sow a group of 3 seeds 1" deep every 18" after danger of frost. Full sun. Thin to 1 per 18" when plants are 3" tall.