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Pepper (Ají Limon / Lemon Drop Pepper)
Pepper (Ají Limon / Lemon Drop Pepper)
Pepper (Ají Limon / Lemon Drop Pepper)
Pepper (Ají Limon / Lemon Drop Pepper)

Pepper (Ají Limon / Lemon Drop Pepper)

Regular price $3.95 Sale

Lemon Drop Pepper (Capsicum Baccatum)

An ancient heirloom pepper from Peru that has survived from pre-Columbian times. These peppers are hot! (15,000-30,000 Scoville Units) and they have a wonderful citrusy lemon/lime flavor. While the peppers are quite spicy, the heat is short-lived and doesn't tend to linger on the palette. 

Ají Limon plants are compact but produce dozens of fruits per plant. These are some of the easiest peppers that we've grown and they thrive in most types of soil. We like to eat these peppers in stir-fries where the citrusy flavor can stand out and they also make wonder hot pepper powder when dried and ground. 

Origin: The parent seed of our Aji Limon came to us from the garden of a friend in Asheville who spent their childhood in Peru. 

(Approximately 20 seeds per packet)

Germination rate: 80% - tested 9/1/24 

Planting Instructions: We recommend starting peppers indoors in a sunny and warm location 4-6 weeks before last frost in spring. Plant outdoors in full sun after danger of frost in spring. Note: pepper seeds need soil temperatures to be at least 70 F to germinate and we use a heating pad under the seedling tray to maintain temperature.