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Pepper (Manganji Pepper)
Pepper (Manganji Pepper)
Pepper (Manganji Pepper)
Pepper (Manganji Pepper)

Pepper (Manganji Pepper)

Regular price $3.95 Sale

Manganji Pepper (Capsicum annuum)

Also known as Manganji Togarashi, this sweet Japanese pepper originated in the Manganji district of Maizuru City, Japan, Kyoto Prefecture. If you enjoy the more popular Shishito peppers, you'll probably love Manganji!  

The fruits grow to 6" on stocky plants and they have a versatile and earthy flavor with slightly thicker walls than Shishito which make them great for grilling, frying or fresh eating. While most of the green peppers have no heat, occasionally you'll pick one with a tiny little kick, generally under 100 Scoville Units.

The peppers can be eaten either when green or red. When they mature to red, there will generally be some heat, up to about 500 Scoville Units. We’ve found the flavor of the ripened red peppers to be a little more earthy but slightly less sweet. 

Origin: We were given the parent seed of our Manganji peppers by a Japanese friend in Kyoto while we were visiting Japan. She has grown the variety in her garden for many years.  

(Approximately 20 seeds per packet) 

Germination rate: 85% - tested 9/1/24

Planting Instructions: We recommend starting peppers indoors in a sunny and warm location 4-6 weeks before last frost in spring. Plant outdoors in full sun after danger of frost in spring. Note: pepper seeds need soil temperatures to be at least 70 F to germinate and we use a heating pad under the seedling tray to maintain temperature.