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Pepper (Hot Santaka Pepper)
Pepper (Hot Santaka Pepper)
Pepper (Hot Santaka Pepper)
Pepper (Hot Santaka Pepper)
Pepper (Hot Santaka Pepper)

Pepper (Hot Santaka Pepper)

Regular price $3.95 Sale

Hot Santaka Pepper (Capsicum annuum)

Santaka spicy peppers are a Japanese heirloom variety and the hot flavor is perfect in oriental preparations from stir-fries to soups. Dozens of peppers grow up-right on a stocky plant and turn from green to bright red. Santaka peppers make great chili flakes and we use whole peppers to flavor oil for cooking and marinades. 40,000-75,000 Scoville Units. 

Origin: We saved seeds of this beautiful, prolific and spicy variety from a community garden near Tokyo many years ago in a trip to Japan. 

(Approximately 20 seeds per packet) 

Germination rate: 85% - tested 9/1/24

Planting Instructions: We recommend starting peppers indoors in a sunny and warm location 4-6 weeks before last frost in spring. Plant outdoors in full sun after danger of frost in spring. Note: pepper seeds need soil temperatures to be at least 70 F to germinate and we use a heating pad under the seedling tray to maintain temperature.