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Pepper (Sweet Ajvarski Pepper)
Pepper (Sweet Ajvarski Pepper)
Pepper (Sweet Ajvarski Pepper)

Pepper (Sweet Ajvarski Pepper)

Regular price $3.95 Sale

Sweet Ajvarski Pepper (Capsicum annuum) 

This large sweet pepper is an heirloom variety originally from North Macedonia and it is one of the traditional peppers used to make "Ajvar", a spread of pepper and eggplant paste. This variety is similar to our "Balkan" pepper but the flavor has more hints of mineral and smoke. Ajvarski peppers are generally a little larger than our Balkan peppers and while they are quite sweet they aren't as sugar-sweet as the Balkans. 

The wedge-shaped fruits of the Ajvarski pepper grow to about 6"-8" and the flesh is juicy and fragrant. The 2' tall plants are thick with dark green foliage and the large fruits start off green before turning a crimson red. In the Balkans, the Ajvarski pepper is traditionally roasted and made into a spread but the pepper is fantastic for fresh eating too. 

Origin: The parent seed of our Ajvarski peppers were given to us by a friend whose parents live and garden in the town of Ognjanci, North Macedonia. 

(Approximately 20 seeds per packet) 

Germination rate: 85% - tested 9/1/24

Planting Instructions: We recommend starting peppers indoors in a sunny and warm location 4-6 weeks before last frost in spring. Plant outdoors in full sun after danger of frost in spring. Note: Pepper seeds need soil temperatures to be at least 70 F to germinate and we use a heating pad under the seedling tray to maintain temperature.