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Pepper (Sweet Balkan Pepper)
Pepper (Sweet Balkan Pepper)
Pepper (Sweet Balkan Pepper)
Pepper (Sweet Balkan Pepper)
Pepper (Sweet Balkan Pepper)

Pepper (Sweet Balkan Pepper)

Regular price $3.95 Sale

Sweet Balkan Pepper (Capsicum annuum)

This sugar-sweet red pepper is grown throughout the Balkans and the variety is thought to have originated in Bulgaria. The fruits generally grow to 6" long and have a conical shape. The flavor is very rich with hints of minerals and smoke and they are very sweet when left to ripen to a ruby-red color. In many of the Balkan countries these peppers are roasted and pureed with eggplant and garlic to make a spread and they are also a great fresh-eating pepper. The plants grow up to 3' and since they produce prolifically we recommend staking them.

Origin: The town of Szeged in Hungary is known world-wide for pepper production and we have cousins who live and garden there. They gave us the parent seed of this variety years ago when we were visiting them. 

 (Approximately 20 seeds per packet) 

Germination rate: 90% - tested 9/1/24

Planting Instructions: We recommend starting peppers indoors in a sunny and warm location 4-6 weeks before last frost in spring. Plant outdoors in full sun after danger of frost in spring. Note: Pepper seeds need soil temperatures to be at least 70 F to germinate and we use a heating pad under the seedling tray to maintain temperature.