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Sunflower (Teddy Bear)
Sunflower (Teddy Bear)
Sunflower (Teddy Bear)
Sunflower (Teddy Bear)
Sunflower (Teddy Bear)

Sunflower (Teddy Bear)

Regular price $3.95 Sale

Dwarf Teddy Bear Sunflower (Helianthus annuus)

Teddy Bear sunflowers are a favorite in our garden because the happy little plants grow to just 2’ tall which make the blooms easy picking for the kids. Teddy Bear sunflowers produce numerous fuzzy blooms that make great cut-flowers. These sunnies grow great in containers too! 

Origin: The parent seed of our Teddy Bear Sunflower was given to us by a dear friend who grew and saved the seeds on her beautiful farm near Eugene, Oregon. 

(Approximately 50 seeds per packet)

Planting Instructions: Sow 1 seed 1" deep every 8" after danger of frost. Full sun.