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Tomato (Hillbilly Potato Leaf Tomato)
Tomato (Hillbilly Potato Leaf Tomato)
Tomato (Hillbilly Potato Leaf Tomato)

Tomato (Hillbilly Potato Leaf Tomato)

Regular price $3.95 Sale

Hillbilly Potato Leaf Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum)

The Hillbilly potato-leaf tomato is thought to have originated in the hills of West Virginia. The hearty plants produces big 1lb. fruits with yellow and red skin and flesh. Hillbilly is low in acid with a sweet fruity flavor. Potato-leaf refers to the rounded foliage on the plants that are similar to the leaves of potato plants. (Indeterminate)

Origin: The parent seed of our Hillbilly Tomatoes came from a community garden near Cacapon State Park close to Berkeley Springs, West Virginia. 

(Approximately 20 seeds per packet)

Germination rate: 95% - tested 10/17/24

Planting Instructions: we recommend starting tomato seeds indoors in a bright and warm location 4 to 6 weeks before last frost date in spring. Transplant after danger of frost in full sun and trellis.