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Tomato (Marmande Garnier Rouge Tomato)
Tomato (Marmande Garnier Rouge Tomato)

Tomato (Marmande Garnier Rouge Tomato)

Regular price $3.95 Sale

Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum)

In 1960 Mrs. Garnier found a variety of Marmande tomato in a market in Savigny Sur Orge in Essonne. It was grow year after year by Mrs. Garnier and a private collector named Patrick Saint Aubin. She selected the variety because it was larger than most Marmande tomatoes and had superior flavor.

Our Marmande Garnier Rouge produces large fruits frequently over 1.5 lbs and the flavor is that of a classic garden tomato with slightly less acid. The plants are robust and it is typical to have up to two dozen large fruits per plant during the growing season. 

Marmande Garnier Rouge will likely become a standard in your garden and we have Mrs. Garnier to thank for recognizing and saving the superb variety!

Origin: We were given Marmande Garnier Rouge seeds by a friend and gardener who lives near Nice, France. She has grown the variety for many decades.

(Approximately 15 seeds per packet)

Germination rate: 95% - tested 10/17/24

Planting Instructions: We recommend starting tomato seeds indoors in a bright and warm location 4 to 6 weeks before last frost date in spring. Transplant after danger of frost in full sun and trellis.