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Tomato (San Francisco Sunrise Tomato)
Tomato (San Francisco Sunrise Tomato)

Tomato (San Francisco Sunrise Tomato)

Regular price $3.95 Sale

San Francisco Sunrise Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum)

Ten years ago, Bay Area Master Gardener Bruce Goren noticed a beautiful mutation on one of his Orange Jazz tomatoes. He saved seeds and stabilized the new variety for ten years and named the new variety San Francisco Sunrise Tomato.

The SF Sunrise produces very large fruits that average well over 1lb and can even reach 2lbs. The beefsteak type tomatoes have stunning red and orange flesh with red stripes over orange on the skin. The flavor is very sweet with hints of fruit and low to medium acid. (Indeterminate)

Origin: We want to thank Bruce for sending us the parent seed of this amazing new variety from his garden, for choosing us to introduce it to gardeners all over the country, and we think you'll love it as much as we do!

(Approximately 15 seeds per packet)

Germination rate: 95% - tested 10/17/24

Planting Instructions: We recommend starting tomato seeds indoors in a bright and warm location 4 to 6 weeks before last frost date in spring. Transplant after danger of frost in full sun and trellis.