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Tomato (Sart Roloise Tomato)
Tomato (Sart Roloise Tomato)
Tomato (Sart Roloise Tomato)
Tomato (Sart Roloise Tomato)

Tomato (Sart Roloise Tomato)

Regular price $3.95 Sale

Sart Roloise Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum)

This stunning and delicious "Sart Roloise" variety was bred by Roland Boulanger, Sart Eustache, Belgium by crossing "White Wonder" and "Baby Blue" varieties. The big beefsteak fruits are sweet with hints of citrus and a well-balance acidity. While the shoulders have a beautiful blue/purple color, the flesh is generally all a beautiful yellow color. 

Origin: We were given the parent seed of our Sart Roloise tomatoes by a friend and gardener who runs a community garden in The Hauge, Netherlands.  

(Approximately 20 seeds per packet)

Germination rate: 95% - tested 10/17/24

Planting Instructions: We recommend starting tomato seeds indoors in a bright and warm location 4 to 6 weeks before last frost date in spring. Transplant after danger of frost in full sun and trellis.