✨FREE standard shipping on orders $40 & up! Use discount code : Free Shipping 📫 We're including 2 FREE packets of flower seeds in EVERY order until the end of February! 💐


Teaching kids to recover from mistakes with cucumbers.

Teaching kids to recover from mistakes with cucumbers.
There was a week or so here in Asheville this February that was glorious. Gentle rains and unseasonable warmth were lifting the winter-gray in our ...

Gardening with Kids: Kids Seed Co. "Garden in a Bag" seeds. Asheville, NC.

Gardening with Kids: Kids Seed Co. "Garden in a Bag" seeds. Asheville, NC.
(Kids Seed Co. "Garden in a Bag." 11 varieties of easy-to-grow seeds)   We hope that you are planning to plant a garden with your kids this sp...

Math lessons in the garden with kids: Germination tests

Math lessons in the garden with kids: Germination tests
The tomato is a ubiquitous fruit in the gardens of the world. Along with apricots and peaches, a bite of tomato fills the mouth with pure and perfe...

Gardening with Kids: The importance of work

Gardening with Kids: The importance of work
The importance of work The pleasures of parenthood are many and telling your kids to do your work for you must be near the top of the list. I clear...

Meet River

Meet River
Unlike many business logos, ours came early in the planning process. Often a graphic artist is commissioned to create an image for an existing br...

Ready, Set, Launch.

Ready, Set, Launch.
It looked a little more like Kids Chaos In The Garden Co. for a time or two, but like most things worth keeping, the creases were ironed out along the way.