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Valentine's Day Sunflower Seed Packs

Valentine's Day Sunflower Seed Packs
Valentine's Day Seed Packets from Kids Seed Co. ❤ This year for Valentine's Day, our seed packets contain a mix of our favorite sunflowers from ...

Valentine's Day Seed Pack Card- Kids Seed Co. Flower Mix

Valentine's Day Seed Pack Card- Kids Seed Co. Flower Mix
Happy Valentine's Day! Our Valentine's seed packs were a big hit last year and we redesigned them this year in our biodegradable seed pack. Each...

Unique Party Favors-An Eco-Friendly way to say "Thank You!"-Sunflower Seed Pack Party Favors

Unique Party Favors-An Eco-Friendly way to say "Thank You!"-Sunflower Seed Pack Party Favors
Birthday Party season for kids seems to start in March each year. With several kids under seven, the calendar fills up quickly with weekend celeb...

Teaching kids to recover from mistakes with cucumbers.

Teaching kids to recover from mistakes with cucumbers.
There was a week or so here in Asheville this February that was glorious. Gentle rains and unseasonable warmth were lifting the winter-gray in our ...

Gardening with Kids: Kids Seed Co. "Garden in a Bag" seeds. Asheville, NC.

Gardening with Kids: Kids Seed Co. "Garden in a Bag" seeds. Asheville, NC.
(Kids Seed Co. "Garden in a Bag." 11 varieties of easy-to-grow seeds)   We hope that you are planning to plant a garden with your kids this sp...

Gardening with Kids: Planning

Gardening with Kids: Planning
Planning It was obvious that he didn’t have a plan to get down. The view out was fine, the view down from the tree made his voice a little shaky. I...

Growing carnivorous plants from cuttings: Indoor garden activities with kids

Growing carnivorous plants from cuttings: Indoor garden activities with kids
Rigorous scientific research has proven beyond any doubt that long winter days indoors are much harder on parents than kids. Science also offers re...

Gardening with kids: Disappointment

Gardening with kids: Disappointment
Disappointment He stated his problem pretty plainly on the walk home. The “super moon” had not been as “super” as he had expected. A group of neigh...

Indoor Winter Gardening with kids: Planting onions

Indoor Winter Gardening with kids: Planting onions
On the first day of the kids’ winter break, it was raining. A slow system was passing over Western North Carolina. After cleaning the fish tank, do...

Gardening with Kids: The importance of work

Gardening with Kids: The importance of work
The importance of work The pleasures of parenthood are many and telling your kids to do your work for you must be near the top of the list. I clear...

Gardening with kids: Give and Take

Gardening with kids: Give and Take
Give and Take There is rarely a day when there is not a big, major Lego crisis in our household of three kids. Of the billions of pieces of expert...

Meet River

Meet River
Unlike many business logos, ours came early in the planning process. Often a graphic artist is commissioned to create an image for an existing br...