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Jerusalem Tomato Seeds

Jerusalem Tomato Seeds
  Our "Jerusalem" tomato is an old heirloom variety that has many uses. It is a fantastic paste or sauce tomato but it is also great for fresh ea...

Marmande Garnier Rouge Tomato

Marmande Garnier Rouge Tomato
  Marmande Tomato In 1960 Mrs. Garnier found a variety of Marmande in tomato a market in Savigny Sur Orge in Essonne. It was grow year after year...

Radish Pickles - French Breakfast Radishes

Radish Pickles - French Breakfast Radishes
Mama makes the most delicious radish pickles and they are a great way to preserve a bumper harvest in the early spring. If you've purchased our F...

Cucuzzi Gourd / Serpente di Sicilia - Heirloom Seeds

Cucuzzi Gourd / Serpente di Sicilia - Heirloom Seeds
Gourd (Lagenaria siceraria) Cucuzzi gourds, also known as, Serpente di Sicilia, are a variety of bottle gourd originally from Sicily. We got the p...

Amaranth - Heirloom Seeds

Amaranth - Heirloom Seeds
  Amaranth (Amaranthus hypochondriacus) Amaranth has been grown for 8,000 years as a nutritious seed grain and was a primary food-source of the A...

Tulsi / Holy Basil - Heirloom Seeds

Tulsi / Holy Basil - Heirloom Seeds
Tulsi (Ocimum tenuiflorum) Tulsi, also know as Holy Basil or Sacred Basil, is a perennial plant in tropical climates and is grown as an annual in ...

Jimmy Nardello Peppers -Heirloom Seeds

Jimmy Nardello Peppers -Heirloom Seeds
  Jimmy Nardello Pepper (Capsicum annuum) When the Nardello family emigrated to the United States from Ruoti, in Southern Italy in 1887 they brou...

Okinawa Pink Okra - Heirloom Seeds

Okinawa Pink Okra - Heirloom Seeds
Okra (Abelmoschus esculentus) A beautiful ribless okra from Okinawa that is as beautiful in the garden as it is tasty. Plants grow up to 6ft. ta...

Ronde de Nice Squash - Heirloom Seeds

Ronde de Nice Squash - Heirloom Seeds
Ronde de Nice (Cucurbita pepo) When we visit Mama's parents in Nice, France, one of the first things we ask to eat are Petits Farcis Niçoise, vege...